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2021-2022 Propane & Heating Oil Program

Age-Friendly Georgetown has established purchasing agreements with Irving Energy and Dead River for propane and heating oil for the 2021-2022 heating season.

All the information you need to sign up is contained in the attachments linked below but note:

  • These programs are for Georgetown residents of any age.

  • Both companies have minimum purchase quantities.

  • The Irving prices are valid until May 25, 2021 and are recalculated on a weekly basis until the enrollment period ends on July 31, 2021.

  • The Dead River pricing is valid for signups between May 1, 2021 and October 31, 2021. The price for heating oil was set on May 3, 2021 and is subject to daily changes in the marketplace. Their current pricing for heating oil can be obtained by calling Dead River (phone number in their proposal).

  • Both proposals have a code number for the Georgetown program which must be used when contacting each company.

  • Other conditions for contracting with either company are contained in the attached proposals.

Age-Friendly Georgetown is pleased to be able to offer this purchasing program to Georgeotwn residents. We will try to answer any questions you have but recommend you contact the companies directly to get the best and most current information from them. Age-Friendly Georgetown is not a party in your contract with the companies.


Irving Proposal

Irving Rewards Program

Irving Equipment Discount

Irving Oil Tank Proposal

Dead River Proposal

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